Friday 18 December 2009

Codes & Conventions of a Horror film

Codes & Conventions are very important as a guideline to the normal procedure when making a horror film. This covers almost everything included in a film from the location to the type of characters used. It makes it easier for the audience to recognise the genre of a film by only seeing a few seconds of a trailer because common traits in films are synonymous with a particular genre of film. They talk about the techniques, angles, language, patterns and colours that go into the making of a trailer.

For example, take this image below from the romantic comedy "You've Got Mail". The image is bright and features a happy couple smiling surrounded by flowers. I very idyllic vision of a the 'perfect' couple.

Now compare this image to one from the horror film "Saw" we there is a large pool of blood on the floor, beside a gun. Located in a rotten old bathroom with a downward spotlight on the culprit. These two genres of film are very different and codes and conventions make sure that there is a clear distinction between film genres so that people can easily identity their preferred type of film.

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