Friday 18 December 2009

Shot by Shot List

This is my shot list for my horror trailer. During the course of the film I made numerous adjusts and additions because when I was filming I found good scenes to shoot. This was the shot list I brought with me when filming the trailer, it is only a rough guide but it gives you an idea as to the direction of the trailer.

• Dimension Films -
• Shot of sky, then the camera pans down as the group meet up
• A mid-shot of the group, standing in a circle
• Group chuck their rucksacks in the boot, door slams shut
• Car drives away
• Shot inside the car of group laughing and joking (radio playing)
• Long shot to close up as car drives past (Breakspear Road)
• Low angle shot as car stops at woods
• Establishing shot of playground (menacing music)
• Empty swing set
• Squeaking roundabout comes to a hault
• Tracking shot of empty playground
• Eerie sting as the killer comes into view, standing in playground alone, clenching fist (tracking shot stops)
• Killer walks off
• Transition between day and night (fast-forward clock or film a street lamp turning on) FADE OUT
• FADE IN Close up of moon
• Pans down to forest ♫ (teddy bear’s picnic music - If you go down in the woods tonight, you're sure of a big surprise)♫
• 1st strap line – Revenge is a dish best served dead
• Group seen entering forest
• Group trek through the woods
• 2nd strap line – To silence their taunts
• POV of killer stalking group
• Group set up tent etc.
• They notice their phones have no signal (Close up of a phone)
• One goes to collect firewood
• Killer closes in on lone victim
• Close up of killer’s weapon, moonlight reflecting off weapon
• Crash zoom as victims recognise killer
• Time stops, sound effects
• Flashback to when he used to bully him (Light, blurry screen, voices echo)
• Screams echo out, birds seen flying away
• Complete silence as group hear distant screaming and realise something’s not right
• Everyone starts running to help victim, found in a pool of blood, his dying words are “He’s come back for revenge”
• Group run out of forest out onto residential roads
• “The ultimate revenge movie” – The Sun
• “Quick! Down here” (pointing down an alley on Brixham Crescent)
• Killer appears at the end of the alleyway in silhouette
• CLOSE UP Long edit one victim hides under a car and covers mouth to mask heavy breathing. Killers feet walk past, then stop. (Suspense music)
• Eyes quickly shift left and right. killer swings at victim ♫ (increasing loud breathing/heartbeat) ♫
• “A true brutal British film” - EMPIRE
• Strapline – Justice is coming sooner than you think (fade to only show coming soon, fading to red) Coming Soon

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