Friday 18 December 2009


My first task was to create and distribute a questionnaire to find out what my core target audience thinks about horror films. Some of the questions were closed (e.g. age and gender) while others where open questions where they had to give reasons for their answers. This would give me a detailed insight into my core target audience and would allow me to accurately create a successful horror trailer based on the findings of the questionnaire. Although I have to remember that these results might be misleading as I am only asking a small number of people and their results might not be what the majority think. Below are all the questions used in my questionnaire.

1. Which age bracket do you fall into?
2. What gender are you?
3. Is horror your favourite genre of film?
4. What type of horror do you prefer?
5. Do you like horror parody films?
6. What is your favourite horror film? Why?
7. Do you think a film is more terrifying in black & white? Why?
8. What is the most effective part of a horror film trailer?
9. Do film posters and trailers persuade you to view a film? Why?

I printed off twenty copies of the questionnaire and asked people to fill them in. I gave half the questionnaires to my sister because she attends Roehampton University, in London, where a lot of the core target audience would be. I also asked my older cousins to fill out a questionnaire each. After collating the results I created pie charts for the closed questions and gave both sides of the answer for the open questions.

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