Friday 18 December 2009

Original Brief

For my A2 media coursework I have been asked to create a film trailer with an accompanying film poster and magazine front cover. I decided to make a horror film over other genres of film because I felt that the horror genre is the easiest to portray effectively. The film poster and magazine front cover will complement the trailer which will attract the target market.

It will be a classic slasher film but the trailer will have minimal blood, if any, not to give much away about the film. This will be going against the general conventions of a horror trailer but it will make the trailer seem more sophisticated and mysterious if there is no blood. Most horror films feature a lot of bloodshed and the use of fake blood can make the film seem silly and unprofessional which is why I am avoiding this potential downfall.

I will need to carry out extensive research into the art of making a horror film in order to learn what the key elements are, in order to make my horror trailer a success. Using the codes and conventions as a guideline, I will include to few unique twists to help my trailer stand out from the crowd. The coursework deadline is set for April 30th 2010.

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