Friday 18 December 2009

Final Design for Poster

This poster consists of two photos. The first photo is the background shot of the dark road lit by two street lamps. The second photo is located in the foreground and is covering the right third and lower third of the background photo. After altering the foreground image to turn it into a grayscale image it matched the background better.

I planned on having only the title of the film, the strap line and the release date being the only text on the poster. Professional film posters tend to have minimal text on the poster to make sure that only the vital information gets through to the reader and that the image is looked at.

Although it is subtle, the killer is in the foreground photo standing to the left of the tree. This may only become apparent to people after looking at the poster several times.

The font size for the film title increases every word, so that 'around...' become the largest word on the poster. The font that I used was carefully chosen so that it matched the codes and conventions of a horror film.

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