Friday 18 December 2009

Narrative of my Film

The story behind the serial killer is that he is a social outcast and his lack of friends his caused him to resent his fellow students. As a child, his classmates would tease and torment him which made him mentally unstable. So, in return, he plans to get revenge on the people who bullied him and stalks the group and overhears them planning their camping trip that night. So he goes home to prepare for the massacre.

The group of friends are on their summer holidays and decide to spend the night camping in the local woods. They realise something is terribly wrong when they hear a scream from the woods fearing it is one of their friends.. They are unaware that the killer has been stalking them the whole time. The whole mood of the group changes as the killer’s intentions are revealed. They check their phones but they have no signal.

The killers’ rampage begins as one of the group recognises the killer as the kid they used to bully when they were young. The group begin to run out of the woods and down alleyways trying to escape from the axe wielding maniac. The killer catches and killer each member more gruesomely then the last until one member of the group remains. He maims the last and most prolific of the bullies and drags him back to the woods to be tortured.

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