Friday 18 December 2009

Introductory Pitch

Once I had gathered a few ideas for my horror trailer I put them together in an introductory pitch to the rest of the class to get their opinion on my ideas so far. In the pitch I spoke about the following:
  • A case study which had a similar story to my horror film
  • Locations
  • The Narrative
  • Sounds
  • Types of shots

I created a PowerPoint presentation on my initial ideas for my horror film trailer. After my presentation I answered questions relating to my ideas, some good points and some constructive points. Making this PowerPoint allowed me to see what people thought of my ideas so far. Their opinion on my film was invaluable as it made me realise areas of weakness in my planning and how I could improve my trailer by tweaking a few areas.

After showing them my ideas they said to improve my film trailer there should be a link to the killer’s childhood showing him as an outcast. This will give the audience an understanding of the psychological side of the killer showing his pain and sorrow through his childhood. They didn’t like the fact that the whole trailer was shot in the woods; they wanted the trailer to involve other locations. This is why the flashback will be useful because it is set in his school when he was younger; this will hint at his psychotic side and his resentment towards the group of friends that bully him.

They liked the idea of using contrapuntal music to give the trailer a creepy feel, I would need to compose the music because I want the song to last around a minute start with the beat and then bringing in the lyrics later on when the song can relate to the trailer as the killer attacks the group in the woods.

They thought that the name of the movie ‘What Goes Around…’ already hints the basic direction of the movie because it hints that people get their just desserts. This can connect to the audience as if they were bullies as a child they might now fear that the people they bullied could one day come back to kill them. This could be a powerful reason for seeing the film to see the fate of the bullies.

They also liked the idea of a point of view camera angle to put the viewer in the shoes of the victims; this will make the trailer more frightening.

They didn’t like the fact that I was only using one location, the woods. They said I should include other locations to make the trailer more appealing. This is where I could use the flashback scenario and film part of the trailer at a school in the killer’s childhood.

Now, I have a much more enhanced vision of what my movie trailer should look like, I have the killer’s profile and the audience will see his solitary background and how his loneliness sent him into a deranged killing spree.

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